Inflammatory fluid is a thick fluid, more like ketchup than water. It is the result of a previous injury and/or stagnant positioning. It's a big problem for almost everyone. This fluid does damage to the tissues with which it comes in contact, and it inhibits the strength of the muscles on which it presses. Many people with chronic pain are in chronic pain because of a ball of inflammatory fluid, a thick glob of ketchup, just sitting in a region of the body and making everything a mess. This glob of thick fluid creates pressure inside the tissues, overstretching them from the inside, which makes the tissues feel stiff. Many people experience this stiffness, especially in the morning.
The video below is from the class I taught. It jumps in with me explaining what it's like to have an imbalanced tissue full of moisture. I then go on to explain the opposite syndrome: dryness. You might recognize your own symptoms when you watch this video. If you do, hopefully it will prompt you to start managing the moisture, which we'll discuss below.
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