Caldwell Bodywork Academy Courses
Balancing the Six Imbalances
Tightness and weakness. Most of us bodyworkers are completely locked into these two imbalances. We see weak glutes and tight hamstrings, weak rotator cuff muscles and tight lats. Weak abdominal stabilizers and tight low back. The list goes on. We work hard to help our patients and clients to stretch out their tightness and strengthen their weakness only to have these imbalances return the very next visit. These frustrations are what Balancing the Six Imbalances is here to help resolve. One-Day Course, 9am - 4pm $199 |
Balancing the Body with Acupressure
Have you ever told a client to 'relax'? Have you found tissues that just don't seem to calm down? They're tense for no reason, tight for no reason? All of us bodyworkers know about this problem. The personal trainer sees clients with their shoulders glued to their ears, unable to relax the upper trap muscles. The massage therapist sees people who simply can't relax their glutes. The list goes on and on. This is the problem of overactive tissues, something the ancient Greeks 'hot' tissues and the ancient Chinese called obstructed with qi. The ancient Chinese blessed us all by developing acupressure. There is simply nothing like acupressure for resolving these excessively active tissues. One-Day Course, 9am - 4pm $199 |
Balancing the Legs
Tight calves. Tight hip flexors. Weak glutes. Collapsed arches. We all know how important the tissues of the legs are for the health of the entire body, and we all know that these common problems are tough to fix. How many times have you stretched someone's tight calves or tight hip flexors or tight hamstrings only to have them tighten up again? With how many people have you struggled to get their glutes firing only to start the struggle all over again the next time? These are the frustrations that Balancing the Legs helps to solve. One-Day Course, 9am - 4pm $199 |
Balancing the Head and Neck
In this all-day seminar, you’ll learn to assess the head and neck for the six Hippocratic tissue imbalances -- heat, cold, dryness, moisture, tension, and laxity -- by working through the tissues and joints of the inner ear, head, jaw, upper neck, neck, and shoulder blades. Once identified, you’ll learn how to manage these imbalances with hands-on techniques, exercises, and lifestyle modifications. One-Day Course, 9am - 4pm $199 |
Balancing the Arms
Tight pecs. Tight forearms. Weak rotator cuff muscles. Protracted shoulder blades. We all know how important the tissues of the legs are for the health of the entire body, and we all know that these common problems are tough to fix. How many times have you stretched someone's tight pecs or tight rhomboids or tight biceps only to have them tighten up again? With how many people have you struggled to get their shoulder blade stabilizers firing only to start the struggle all over again the next time? These are the frustrations that Balancing the Arms helps to solve. One-Day Course, 9am - 4pm $199 |
Balancing the Trunk
In this class we work through the details of the tissues and joints of the pelvis, low back, abdomen, thoracic spine, rib cage, thoracic organs, and shoulder blades, learning to assess for the six Hippocratic tissue imbalances of heat, cold, dryness, moisture, tension, and laxity, and learning to manage each with hands-on techniques, exercises, and lifestyle modifications. One-Day Course, 9am - 4pm $199 |